This has always been one of my favorite quotes. It speaks to me of boldness and trust in ones’ abilities. In the sense that if you put it out there, whatever it is that you want most, and go after it, the universe will answer with what you need to make it happen. You just have to be brave, believe in it, and be willing to jump.
At the beginning of last year, after a loooong time talking about it, my husband and I set out to make our dream of living in a small Colorado mountain town a reality. For him, it was a return to his home state. For me, a Michigander by birth, it was answering a call in my soul for a way of life that I wanted for myself and my family. We had been “stuck” on the East Coast for way too long, tethered by the safety and security of good jobs. Yet we spent every free moment and dollar hunting what we craved. Wide open spaces, adventure, trails for our bikes, clear clean water for our paddle boards, snow on which to carve turns. We sat in a lot of traffic. We spent a lot of money on flights and lodging and rental cars. On one hand, it helped keep us sane. On the other, it contributed to making us crazy…the constant motion, planning, packing, etc to get us out where we yearned to be.
Looking back on the process of leaping, it started small with a shaky decision that 2017 would be the year. I’m not sure we even fully believed it at the time but we started to verbalize it to ourselves and to other people. Stating something out loud is a powerful thing….it goes back to the concept of the universe and how it starts to give you what you need when you approach something with intent. Like a snowball rolling down a hill picking up mass and speed, our idea started to grow legs. Things happened at our jobs that aligned with our plans. I gave notice at our daughter’s school. We purged our belongings, donating and selling things that had been sitting around way too long. We put our house on the market. Pretty soon, there was no turning back.
To be honest, there were more than a few times I thought we had lost our minds. We didn’t really have it totally figured out how we were going to make it work in this small mountain town where everyones’ first question when they meet you is “What do you do?” There isn’t much in the way of jobs, real estate is crazy expensive, and everyone is curious to know how in the heck you can afford to live here. The sensible thing would have been to move to the Denver area. But sensible is safe. Sensible is dull. Sensible does not lead to that exhilarating feeling of being alive in every cell of your body. Thus we leapt.
So you may be wondering….did a net indeed appear? To answer that I would say this….throw me in the deep end to sink or swim and I will always swim. Sinking is against my nature. So while the path isn’t 100% clear or finalized at this moment, the journey has begun and I’m thoroughly enjoying walking this path.
As I was writing this post, I had to stop in the middle to take a conference call with a new client. Many things were discussed including their plans to use social media to promote their new location. Upon ending the call, I logged onto Instagram to start following them. This post was recent in their feed and sums up a lot of what I am saying here.
Law of Attraction: When you truly want something and go after it without limiting yourself with disbelief, the universe will make it happen.
Amen to that.
So…..Is there something you’ve been yearning to go after? A change you’ve been wanting to make? Then be bold and go after it. Believe in yourself. Trust me, it’s worth it!